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hand painted sun
Official Know Your FundaMENTALs Headphones
cell phone that says "life just got better, start here" and a path with two flags start and finish


with the
Science & Skills to
thrive your way.

know your fundamentals logo sun with headphones and triangle

We know how important the fundamentals are in other areas of life, but it's common to feel lost in identifying, understanding and applying the fundamentals of mental wellness in our own lives.

At MindCast, we're on a mission to demystify mental wellness and flourishing and provide a clear path to organized, attainable strategies for living your best life. It's all about breaking down barriers and making mental well-being accessible to everyone.


Whether you're asking 'Where do I start?' or 'How do I apply this to my life?', we've got you covered with scientifically supported expert-backed guidance and practical tools.


Let's navigate this journey together and build a strong foundation for your mental well-being. Are you ready to take the first step?

Discover a wealth of transformative resources, personalized consultations, and engaging workshops at MindCast. Unlock the tools to empower your mental wellness journey today!

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Inspirado para empoderar

There are a lot of moving pieces

to building your house of wellness.

We get it. 

That's why we organized and simplified the need-to-knows of mental wellness and flourishing.

So you can spend less time figuring it out.

And more time thriving.

Let us help you build

your unique house of wellness

from the ground up.

With a strong foundation

wellness is possible

for a lifetime.


A small investment.

A lifetime of appreciation.

Podcast. Wellness App.

Self-Help Workbook. Audio Book.


Listen in to Season 1 of Know Your FundaMENTALs


Episode Extras!

Get exclusive member resources and extras - breakdowns of key episode concepts, tools for practice, and reflections to journal. It's all here to help you learn and practice so you can experience "The FundaMENTALs" for yourself! 

Found wherever you get your podcasts. 

Audio & Video Episodes Available on

Youtube & Spotify

An assortment of headphone doodles in different primary colors.jpg

What People Say

"The education KYF brings is not only essential, it's EMPOWERING!...Inspired to empower, Know Your FundaMENTALs is accessible, attainable and to the point."

- Jennifer, KYF Podcast Listener

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To Your

Kelly Berthold, licensed clinical social worker,

founder of MindCast LLC, and creator of

Know Your FundaMENTALs,

 provides in-person and virtual


workshops, and crash-courses

 delivering the FundaMENTALs to you,

and individualized to your or your groups

unique needs.

Know Your FundaMENTALs drawn sun.
Know Your FundaMENTALs headphones
Triangle of Know Your FundaMENTALs logo




Unique to You

Get the need-to-know educational foundations of mental health and wellness through this FundaMENTALs crash course. Kelly will cover what all people should know and deliver it in a way you can connect the material to your own life.

Workshops will guide you how to integrate the educational concepts into your own life experiences through hands-on practice. Kelly will support in trouble-shooting, answer questions, familiarize frequent challenges, and help you humanize the hard stuff.

Kelly wants to hear about you or your groups unique needs to refine a personalized learning experience. With this information she can tailor workshops and material to best support participants.

Don't have all the answers, or even know all the questions - Not a problem!
We are here to help... seriously! This is why we are in business! 

Check out our Connect with MindCast page to inquire about
questions, workshops, consultations and subscribe to stay up to date with all things MindCast and KYF.

Stay up to date with all that's coming ahead!


Thank you!

By submitting, I am agreeing to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy 

MindCast Logo hand drawn plane face with a rainbow spectrum on the right side
The triangle, over a hand drawn sun. Sun is wearing headphones. Triangle with sun, and headphones is the main image logo for Know Your FundaMENTALs. Triangle colors are different, and headphones range from real to hand drawn images of headphones.

Kelly Berthold, LCSW

Owner and CEO of MindCast LLC,

Creator of Know Your FundaMENTALs

MindCast and Know Your FundaMENTALs 

podcast is based on Kelly’s experience and passion for the expansion of mental health accessibility.

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Know Your


Support KYF mission with unique merchandise!

Items at this time are sold in the United States only.

Helping the planet is pretty FundaMENTAL. All products are print-to-order to reduce waste.

Know Your FundaMENTALs
on Spotify

Empower your mental health with upbeat and uptempo songs from across eras.

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